Erotica 11 Steamy Short Stories Read online

Page 10

  “Is this your first time?” he whispered in his ear.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  “Got any lube?”


  The many questions amid the sex had killed the hype of it. Rob sat his next door neighbor up before looking her in the eye. Her eyes were watery and he figured it must have been from all the excitement.

  “Are you sure you want it in the ass?”

  “Yes,” her answer was direct and certain.

  “I better go get some lube.”

  “I can’t let you go back there.”

  “Why?” he asked looking confused.

  “I don’t think you will come back,” she answered her eyes still teary. “And besides are you going to get lube that you use with your girlfriend?”

  The question caught him off guard and he looked at Clara bereft of any words, he was still hard though and loved how Clara admired his hard on.

  “But you still want it in the ass?”

  “Your damn right I do.”

  He let out a slight giggle before walking back to her and directing her to sleep on her tummy once more.

  “I should warn you, this might be painful.”

  “Bring it on.”

  He first went on to her and licked her ass before leaving a generous amount of spit on the entrance and directing his arousal to it. It was not easy sliding in despite the wetness. Clara in turned winced once in a while but he held her down as he slid in further and further until he was all in. He spit in her ass a second time before moving in her slowly at first but increased his speed momentarily.

  Clara’s moans were stifled from the position she had been held in but once she freed herself her moans told a different story. From the movement of her hips and ass, she enjoyed the feel of cock in her ass and once again without warning came all over him but this time in a louder moan and more vibrant spasms.

  “Is it satisfying?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Like hell it is.”

  She let out a loud giggle before once more sliding out of him and looking at his still very hard cock.

  “Are you sure you’re not on anything?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “A little blue pill perhaps?”

  He laughed out a loud laugh before shaking his head in disapproval and laughed some more.

  “So you naturally last this long?”

  “Maybe,” he answered cheekily. “Or maybe someone had missed cock way too much.”

  He kissed her on her forehead before looking around the room in search of something.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “My clothes.”

  “Going somewhere?”

  “Back home.”

  “Why?” the whole situation was very confusing for her but she still felt the need to express herself. “You’ve not yet cum.”

  “I know but it was all about pleasing you, I think I did that, three times.”

  She sat on the living room sofa and ignored the sore feeling in her ass before smiling widely at Rob who smiled back at him.

  “You must be one of those.”

  “One of who?”

  “One of those freaks who only get off when something strange is being done to them or when they are doing something strange to their partner.”

  “I wouldn’t call it strange.”

  “Really now? What would you call it?”

  “My kind of way to get to the climax.”

  He giggled a little before feeding him a curious glance. She somehow found him interesting and got to her feet as well.

  “Tell me,” she said after standing very close to him. He could feel her breathing “Or better yet, show me.”

  He hesitated for a second before scratching his head and blinking at her twice.

  “Are you sure you want to be a part of my pervasive ways?”

  “I am.”

  “There’s no backing down once we get started”.

  She raised her eyebrows as she let her mind wander to the unimaginable, she thought of backing down but the challenging look that came her way cheered her on.


  “Sit”, he ordered before walking out of the room and heading to the kitchen. She could hear him opening a few kitchen cabinets before swinging open the fridge door. He reappeared with ice cubes and placed them on the dresser before walking into her bedroom where he reappeared with a cloth she didn’t not know what for. He then walked over to her and blind folded her with the cloth before making her lie on her back.

  Her heart beat very fast when she felt the ice cubes come in contact with her smooth skin. He placed a between her cleavage before placing another one her navel. He then slid into her and let his weight rest on her body so that he too could get into contact with the ice.

  Rob then began to thrust into her in that position. Their body’s generated heat and made the ice cubes melt between them. This in turn sent cold numbing water to sip from between them and flooded on her living room sofa. The moans that escaped his throat as he kept thrusting into her attested how good he felt and as he moved faster Clara realized that she loved it too. He dug his hands in her hair before pulling at it and let out his hot load accompanied with spasms and a slight vibration. He stayed in the post orgasmic position for a few more minutes before pulling out of Clara.

  “That was amazing,” she let out referring to the ice cubes. She took out her blindfold and looked him in the eye. His dick was now limp after the session but he too looked as satisfied as her.

  “I better get going.”

  He dressed hurriedly, placed a wet kiss on her thin lips and walked out of the door. She didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know there would be a repeat performance.

  The End

  Smashing the Help

  I wish I could say she dressed provocatively, or she seduced me and made me want to fuck her. But that was never the case with Hannah. The girl had curves crafted by an angel and could be traced in any outfit she wore. (Her maid’s uniform was no exception.) I don’t know how I ended up fucking her and I don’t know how my friend George watched and jacked off as I did. Okay, maybe I do know but recalling the events that led to that particular moment is like rocket science. I remember coming home from work that day with a splitting headache. I was more than grateful the kids had gone off to see their auntie as soon as I walked in through the door. I had done well for myself over the years. My mansion could attest, the house sounded and felt empty as soon as I walked in. Hannah was however lingering in the corner cleaning or scrubbing something, I can’t really recall.

  “Good evening Mr. Murphy,” she said as she walked over to where I was and offered to relive me of my personal documents and briefcase.

  “Good evening Hannah, please place these on my office table,” I answered before taking in the surroundings of my neat and tidy house.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “Yes, a glass of scotch please,” I answered before slumming my weight down on the living room sofa and lifting my legs. There was a wrestling match going on that enticed me and that was what I watched for quite some time. She walked back to the living room with my scotch in hand and placed it right in front of me.

  “Thank you, Hannah.”

  My cell phone rang as soon as she left the living room and I picked it up feeling beyond excited.

  “Hey man.”

  “Hey,” I answered to my friend George.

  “I was in the neighborhood, would you mind if I dropped by?”

  “I wouldn’t mind at all.”

  I hung up the phone and stretched my legs on the sofa as I waited on my friend, George, to show up. The wrestling match really caught my attention and made me realize I had not had time to myself for the longest time. The doorbell rang and as usual Hannah went over to open it.

  “Hey,” George saluted in his deep voice.

  “Hey,” I answered and loved the joyous look in his eyes.

  “How have you been

  “I am alright,” he answered before taking a seat opposite me.

  “Can I get you anything sir?” Hannah’s voice cut throughout bonding moment and he had to look in her direction for quick second.

  “Yes, I would really like a glass of scotch much like my dear friend’s,” he answered. His eyes did not leave Hannah’s body as she turned on her heel and walked over to the kitchen.

  “That woman has got one fine ass,” He let out with a long whistle as Hannah walked to the kitchen. “Please tell me you have tapped that.”

  I gave him a strange look and just before I could answer his question, Hannah walked back with his scotch balancing on a metallic tray and placed it right in front of him.

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “Yes,” he answered without taking his eyes from her lovely bosom. “Do you have any crackers or nuts perhaps?”


  “Get me some, would you?”

  She simply nodded her head and headed back to the kitchen to heed his words. His eyes traveled back with her to the kitchen and he looked back at me expectantly waiting on me to answer his question.

  “So? Have you hit that?”

  “No,” I answered flatly. “I do not fraternize with the help.”

  “Have you seen the curves on that girl? Damn!”

  I had seen the curves on her, who hadn’t? Jocelyn (my wife) had felt threatened by her a few times that she would always resize her uniforms. She walked back into the living room with both crackers and nuts on the same tray and placed them before him.

  “Anything else sir?” she asked innocently.

  “No, thank you dear.”

  His eyes ogled after her when she walked away and I could literally see the drool sipping from the side of his mouth.

  “You are not okay in the head.”

  “Are you just figuring that out?” he asked with a strange giggle escaping his throat.

  I let out a loud roaring laughter and leaned back on the living room seat. George talking about fucking Hannah made me strip her off what she had on in my mind. The thought of her naked got me very hard and I had to cross one leg over the other to hide my huge boner.

  “Do you want to know something strange?’

  “Tell me.”

  “I think she is the type of chick who loves being roughened up and all that,” he let out as he looked at her through the kitchen door. “I can place some good money on that.”

  “How did you figure that out?”

  “Her whole demeanor,” he answered. “From the way she carried herself around to the way she smiles and nods her head whenever she talks or addresses someone.”

  I bit my lower lip and looked at my friend. I had always known he was and shit crazy but he was now taking things to a whole other level. I let out a wide smile before looking in Hannah’s direction and calling out to her. She answered to my call very fast and showed up almost immediately. George signaled me and indicating her quick response was one of the submissive traits. I leaned back in my seat and looked at her, took in her well rounded behind, curvaceous body and full bosom. She had a pretty smile as well and made me want to smile back at her all the time.

  “Where are Jocelyn and the kid?”

  “They went to visit her sister,” she answered.

  I knew that was a cover up for Jocelyn. She would leave the kid at her sisters and go fuck her latest boy toy. I had no problem with that a as long as she kept things discreet. Knowing that gave me the motivation to put George’s theory to the test.

  “Thank you, Hannah,” I answered before looking at George who had a pervert look displayed on his round face. I couldn’t help but notice how his eyes hovered over Hannah’s bosom and a twinge of jealousy settled on my chest. I shifted slightly in my seat before looking at her who gave me an expectant look waiting for her next set of instructions.

  “Please fix George and me something to eat.” I felt my throat go dry from all the tension in the room.

  “What would you like to have sir?”

  “A sandwich. Or something,” I answered looking at George for approval.

  “Sandwiches are good,” he confirmed.

  We both watched her gyrate her ass across the room and headed back to the kitchen. I looked at George who had a few words for me but I beat him to the tongue lashing.

  “I have a plan, relax,” I said before sipping from my glass.

  “Let me in on it.”

  “No, I will do no such thing,” I answered and shook my head in disapproval.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “You are going to ruin it,” I answered and gave him a daring look after saying this. George always had the knack to ruin anything he put his hands on and I couldn’t let him take the wheel in this scenario. With resigned shoulders and giving up look, he settled in his seat and waited to see what will happen next. I downed the contents of my glass before getting to my feet, winking t him and headed to the kitchen.

  “You go boy,” he cheered me on as I walked. I totally ignored him and walked into Hannah adding a generous amount of mayonnaise to my ham sand which.

  “Here you go,” I said and offered her the empty scotch glass still in my hand. She rushed over to me in minute and took the glass from my hand as if it would burn my fingers in a few minutes.

  “Would you like some more sir?” she asked with a humble look.

  “No, thank you,” I answered.

  We stared at each other and I could tell she was wondering what I was doing in the kitchen. A nervous look covered her face that made me feel guilty for making her uncomfortable. George’s words rang in my mind and a heated debate between my voice of reason and sense of adventure commenced.

  “Is that all sir?” she asked before looking back at her half made sand which.

  “Yes,” I answered nervously. “That will be all. Let me let you get back to your work.”

  I was not built for it and took a few steps toward the door before remembering horny, perverted George sat in the other room with a million of questions waiting to jab into my conscious. This made me grab on the random sense of adventure that suddenly seared through me. I walked back to where she was, her back was now faced to me as she stood by the kitchen counter working on the sand which. I placed both hand on her tiny waist and gave her a light squeeze. I waited on her reaction which was of the much expected shock and surprise.

  “Sir, that is very inappropriate,” she said.

  Her words, however, were not stern and I could detect a hungry look dancing in her eyes. She liked it, that little bitch liked my hands on her waist and he relished in the attention coming her way. My next step was to take George’s advice. I took two steps and made sure I had invaded her personal space before placing my hand on her waist again, this time from the front.

  “Sir,” she said again and gave me a searching look before looking at my strong grip on her waist and saying. “This is very inappropriate.”

  “Then why aren’t you stopping me?”

  She did not answer, neither did she do anything about it. All she did was stand opposite me with a somewhat excited look in her eyes. My wrist was circled around her throat in a quick minute before pinning her to the nearest wall, I went on to choke her, slightly at first and read how far she could take it from the look in her eye. I let go of her neck and took a few steps back from her before gauging her reaction. She had a desperate look in her and directed her pinky finger to the front of her teeth. She bit into it, hard but not hard to make her bleed. Her whole demeanor wanted me to have a repeat performance. I didn’t need to be shot twice, I took calculated steps toward her and held back to the wall again. This time, I had one hand on her neck while the other pinched on her nipples before traveling all over her body and spanking her ass very hard.

  “Talk to me,” I said to her after hearing a few moans escape her throat. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Choke me some more,” she pleaded.

  I added the
pressure on her neck and only released after a few second. My hard-on was pressing against her things, but I felt the clothes between us were acting as a barrier to the promised land. I let my free hand unbuckle my pants and let them fall to my ankles. I then went on to take off her panties before directing my hand to her clit and rubbing it as I choked her. The results were better than expected, the choking and rubbing combination made her extremely wet.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered in my ear after a few seconds. I went on to rub her some more before making her hold on to the kitchen counter before I jammed my hard cock into her from behind. I have no idea how or when George got wind of what was happening. All I saw was him seated on one of the kitchen seats with his hand playing with his cock and a lovely excited smile on his face. We locked a gaze and he gave me an encouraging wink to assure me that I was doing the right thing.

  Hannah’s pussy felt remarkably warm, tight and amazingly sweet. I let my cock enjoy the feel of it before giving her the well deserved thrusts. Her moans grew louder as I fucked her and George grew more excited as he watched us. This was the most twisted thing I ever did in my life but at that time it felt hot as hell. I spanked her round behind and I moved in and out of her and left a pink prink on her ass. She seemed to like it which called for a second spanking as well as a third and fourth.

  “You have such a tasty cock,” she let out in between her moans making me beam with pride. I could not remember when last Jocelyn talked about my cock. She was always complaining about something I had not done or was doing too much. I could hear George’s moans in distant as well but decided to ignore him. The fact that he too was enjoying himself at my expense was good enough. The familiar sweet feeling of climax crept up on me and I pulled out of her immediately. She got on her knees in a very quick minute and took my cock in her mouth. All my cum was emptied in her mouth and from the look on her face she enjoyed it immensely.

  “That is one dirty little whore,” George let out excitedly with his hand still on his dick. His face was beaming with excitement and this gave me and idea before my second erection.

  “Go blow my friend,” I ordered before giving her a soft slap on her ass. She walked on all fours to where George was and heeded my words with gusto. She took George’s long thick cock in her mouth and blowing my best friend. George loved the feel of her lips on his dick but at the same time I could tell there was a certain kink he was looking for. Knowing him to be that mean son of a bitch who always got what he wanted, I watched as he held both Hannah’s head in his palms and rammed his cock in her mouth roughly before moving it in and out in rapid movements. This was then followed by a slap across her face before choking her harder than I had.